The FIRST thing would be the WORLD in which we live! The thinking of liberal society has carved away at the family-friendly conservative mindset of Judeo Christianity. And even within Christendom – how one generation slips in moderation, the next generation slips in excess! Of course, we have a choice! We can be “crucified” to the world as Paul and some of the Galatians were, or we can be “captivated” by it, as lots of the Galatians were.
The SECOND thing would be our body of FLESH, the fallen, Adamic, Human Nature. Temper, irritability, moodiness, jealousy, pride, selfishness, unforgiveness, anxiety, fretting, harshness, complaining & criticism. Is it possible, for these ugly DRA’s (Dirty Rotten Attitudes) to be kept inoperative?
And LAST, is the very DEVIL himself – the prince of this world. Be warned: Believers cannot evade his subtle devices. The ONLY remedy: he must be met and overcome.
Is the Victorious Son of God, living in us, enough to overcome these three attractions which keep us from God’s normal? We shall see!
Next, Q#5: Standing and State – What Gives?
Jeremy, I am making a “name” assumption from your email address,
Your definition of “repent” is the normal, standard definition that thrives in fundamental Christian circles today. However, that is not the ‘Biblical’ definition of repent. It became popular with John the Baptist when he encouraged the Israelites to “Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins.” The biblical definition of repent is to “change one’s mind.” The Jews had to “change their mind” about who this itinerant preacher named Jesus actually was. They had to start believing that He actually was their Messiah and actually was the “Son of God.”
Also, your noble definition, which includes “forsaking sin because it displeases God” is at least half right; It certainly displeases God. But for centuries mankind has been trying and striving to forsake sin all to no avail. The Jews are still trying to please God by following the law, which the Apostle Paul says is impossible to do. We Gentiles are no better in reverting to “good works” thinking God will be pleased with us. The one thing that actually pleases God is to exhibit Faith in what His Son has accomplished on the cross and by allowing God to conform us to the image of His Son through our identification with His death, burial, resurrection and life.
Now Jeremy, have you noticed that the actual “Change of Mind” that must occur has nothing to do with what your definition suggests. Our salvation is not dependent on us but 100% on what Jesus has already done for us. No amount of our “being sorry” for our sins can add to what Jesus has done. We simply need to believe it, by faith, receive the free gift, and then thank Him for it over and over.
Thank you for responding and when I think of you I will pray you continue to get into His Word and become “conformed to His image.”
In Him,